Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Directed by Mark DiSalle & David Worth
Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dennis Chan, Dennis Alexio
An unbelievable movie. I think anyone reading this can already appreciate the fact that Van Damme isn't exactly known for his acting chops, correct? I mean the man's actually called Muscles from Bussels. So to criticize his acting in this spectacular questionmark of a movie would, I guess be beating the man while his down.. so let's get started with that.
This being an action film, whatever story there might be is in place just to give a reason for the fight scenes, but I can tell you right now, there hasn't been a movie in quite a while that has made my day like Kickboxer. There can be no greater enjoyment on a cloudy day than watching Van Damme trying to get through a dramatic scene. With him crying, for Christ's sake. For instance I personally love Jack Black's work, but he has to pull off all the stops to equal the comedic power of this man in "action".
The "story" follows Van Damme's Kurt as he's training to become a powerful fighter in order to avenge his brother's challenger who left him paralyzed. What follows is a good handful of crappy eastern fighting philosophy and endless arrays of fighting and training montages. It's like Kelsey Grammer put it so fittingly about Van Damme in an episode of Frasier: "Bullets are useless against a man who can kick really high".
Kickboxer is at times amusing camp entertainment, but not a good guilty pleasure because they never once take the joke far enough, unlike in, say Rambo 2 & 3.
Van Dammen kulta-ajan tuotos on tahattomasti hauska ja paikoitellen viihdyttävä ryminäraina, jonka camp-arvo ei kumminkaan riitä aivan vatsanpohja-nauruihin saakka. Väliinputoaja.
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