Saturday, June 19, 2010


Directed by Guy Ritchie
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Kelly Reilly

First off, I've never read a single book by Arthur Conan Doyle and I've never really seen any portrayal of Holmes before this picture, so I have no comparison, but I did't see what all the big fuss around this film has been about.

 Holmes (Downey Jr.) is a legendary detective working out of London and he solves any crime and problem with his trusty and loyal companion, Watson (Law) and his uncanny ability to detect the smallest clues. Now he's up against a diabolical adversary, Blackwood who, it seems, posesses magical powers of the dark kind.

 The plot is quite well thought out and the cast does wonderful work under Ritchie's energetic direction. But something is missing. Sherlock Holmes should sweep you off your feet and carry onto an adventure of a case, but the mystery itself, while well thought out, is utterly forgettable. A lot of things are constantly happening, but it was all for a mystery I didn't end up giving a damn. Maybe this film was made for a different target audience, one that has previous knowledge of Holmes' cases and the man himself. All of which I know nothing about.

Sherlock Holmes on Downey Jr.:n show alusta loppuun ja käypä käyntikortti miehen karismasta ja taidoista, mutta itse elokuva on jokseenkin turhauttava, sillä vaikka ratkottavana oleva mysteeri on monimutkainen ja hyvin mietitty, ei se ole millään muotoa muistiin painuva. Kuten koko elokuvakaan. Pieni pettymys odotuksiin nähden.

Sherlock Holmes at IMDb


Jangsara said...

No oli se neljän arvoinen mun mielestä :P

EdWood said...

Mä en vaan lämmennyt. Katsoin sen jopa eilen toiseen kertaan kun en luottanut ensivaikutelmaan, mutta valitettavasti se oli mulle se oikea. Hirveän viihdyttäväksi se oli tehty, mutta jotenkin huomasin ettei missään vaiheessa oikein kiinnostanut koko touhu. Mutta pisteet Robertille :)