Saturday, March 23, 2013
Directed by Wes Craven
Starring Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Brian Cox
Oh how I hate a wasted opportunity. Red Eye is a brilliant thriller right up until it kicks in with the third act. The whole movie by that point has been a carefully constructed nerve wrecker with Murphy's psychotic hitman keeping terrified McAdams hostage in her seat up on a plane. Once she finds her inner Sarah Connor and they get on the ground, it all goes to shit as Craven turns the film into a Scream-esque hide and seek. Such a shame and above all, a waste. Especially since Murphy brings his A-game. As he usually does.
Red Eye at IMDb
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Starring Asa Butterfield, Chloe Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen
What a wonderful, warm film. I was expecting perhaps some elevated ('cause it's Scorsese) family movie, but Hugo is so much more than that. It's a fairytale, which older viewers will find just as charming as the younger ones, about finding your place in the world and the consuming sadness of not reaching your dreams. Sounds corny, I know, but in Hugo all of these components interlock beautifully thanks to a clever screenplay which introduces the storypoints via interesting mystery. One of Scorsese's absolute best and rounded up nicely with a spectacular supporting cast from Richard Griffiths to Christopher Lee.
Odotin kenties jotain hieman normitasoa ylevämpää (sillä onhan ohjaajana Scorsese) perhe-elokuvaa, mutta Hugo tarjosikin paljon enemmän, sillä kyseessä on lämmin ja mukaansa tempaava satu, joka käsittelee paikkansa löytämistä isossa maailmassa ja sitä surua, joka kumpuaa täyttymättömistä unelmista. Kuulostaa kornilta, tiedän, mutta Scorsese saa teemat toimimaan tavalla joka on aidosti koskettava. Hugo on myös elokuva, joka varmasti koskettaa aikuista aivan siinä missä nuorempaakin katsojaa, jos vain omaa hieman seikkailumieltä ja tarvetta pienelle mysteerille. Päteviä sivurooleja myöten hieno filmi.
Hugo at IMDb
Directed by Drew Goddard
Starring Kristen Connolly, Fran Kranz, Chris Hemsworth, Bradley Whitford, Richard Jenkins
Poor Drew Goddard. Everywhere they write about this film, everyone always just goes on about Joss Whedon who co-wrote this with Goddard. It's Hostel and Killing Zoe all over again. Oh well. Among all the never-ending horror remakes, reboots and US versions of foreing films, TCITW is a truly welcome, original treat. The less I say about the plot the better, really. Just suffice to say that though this movie has been marketed as horror, it's actually one of the funniest flicks of recent years and fucking entertaining to boot.
Sääliksi käy ohjaaja Goddardia, sillä missä ikinä tästä leffasta on kirjoitettu, miehen nimi on aina unohtunut mainita (toisen käsikirjoittaja) Joss Whedonin tieltä, jonka osakkeet ovat nyt kovaa huutoa menestyneen The Avengersin ansiosta. The Cabin In The Woods on markkinoitu ulos kauhuna, mutta jotain splattersisältöä lukuunottamatta tässä on kyseessä itse asiassa yksi riemukkaimpia komedioita moneen vuoteen. Myöskin, näinä aikoina jolloin kauhugenreä ovat vallinneet loputtomat uusintaversiot, rebootit ja jenkkiversiot muiden ideoista, on erittäin virkistävää löytää näinkin omaperäinen filmi. Juonesta en voi kertoa mitään. Katso, niin ymmärrät.
The Cabin In The Woods at IMDb
WARNING! The trailer gives away MAJOR spoilers of the film! In fact, if you want to see this flick, I'd recommend you try to avoid previews of ANY kind. Trust me. The less you know going in, the better.
VAROITUS! Traileri sisältää isoja spoilereita! Jos olet kiinnostunut tästä filkasta, suosittelen että pyrit välttämään KAIKKEA ennakkotietoa juonesta. Usko pois, mitä vähemmän tiedät valmiiksi, sen parempi.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Starring Denzel Washington, Kelly Reilly, Don Cheadle, John Goodman
Flight is Zemeckis' eagerly awaited return to live action which I'd been looking forward to for well over a decade. The film is not what I expected and though it's a very ambitious and hard look at alcoholism via Denzel's pseudo-heroic pilot Whip Whitaker, Flight is by no means an easy film to sit through. You'll be taken to a ride into the kind of a person's psyche who is or at least can be very unpleasant and off putting. Not a very inviting consept, but Washington makes it work with a very good performance. And when it comes to Zemeckis, he does a solid job but personally I'd have loved to have seen a different, more eased kind of return from the master. Then again, Flight is a good film so in a way I feel I shouldn't complain. But.. oh what the hell, at least we finally get to see the gorgeous Nadine Velazquez naked. And the wait was worth it.
Flight eli Lento on Zemeckisin innolla odotettu paluu live action-elokuvien pariin ja rehellisesti sanottuna olen tavallaan hieman pettynyt. Elokuva itsessään on hyvä ja Washington tekee hienon suorituksen kyseenalaisena sankaripilotti Whip Whitakerina, mutta Flight on jumalattoman raskas katsottava. Syy tähän on edellä mainitun päähahmon alkoholismi, jonka käsittelyyn filmi melkein yksinomaan keskittyy. Whitaker on teoillaan ja käytöksellään usein hyvin epämiellyttävä ja luotaantyöntävä hahmo, joka ei ole mahtava lähtökohta elokuvalle josta tulisi nauttia. Toisaalta juuri siksi on kunnioitusta herättävää kuinka realistisesti hahmon ongelmat on tuotu esille. Olisin kenties vain odottanut Zemeckisiltä hieman rennompaa paluuta. Toisaalta ei pitäisi valittaa, mutta.. mutta.. no helvata, ainakin pääsimme vihdoin näkemään upean Nadine Velazquezin alasti. Jälkeen teki jostain syystä mieli spaddua.
Flight at IMDb
Directed by David Cronenberg
Starring Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley, Viggo Mortensen
The third collaboration between Cronenberg and Mortensen is easily the least exciting of the bunch (the others being A History Of Violence and Eastern Promises). I was expecting more from the meeting and ultimately clash between Sigmund Freud (Mortensen) and Carl Jung (Fassbender) given the talent in hand but A Dangerous Method is ultimately just an elevated, steady character triangle. It's very well acted and Cronenberg keeps the mood stable but there are no real fireworks of emotion which is kind of a let down when you consider the film tells a tale of two titans of psychology. Good but not great.
A Dangerous Method at IMDb

Starring Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch
The first three Die Hards are classics (the third being a personal favorite), the fourth film was good but already stretched the boundaries and now with this outing Die Hard has very little soul left. A Good Day To Die Hard has solid but over the top action considering the franchise (the previous film had this problem as well but at least you still cared). The villains are forgettable and it's difficult to care about the McClane father-son relationship which remains as cold as the city of Moscow. Shame.

A Good Day To Die Hard at IMDb
Directed by Kevin Smith
Starring Jason Lee, Jeremy London, Shannon Doherty
Holy shit, talk about inflation. Mallrats is a film which was funny as shit when I first discovered Smith and Jay & Silent Bob. Now that some time has passed and the original crush has faded, all that's left in Mallrats is few funny moments and lots of unfunny filler. Jason Lee remains the highlight and saves what can be saved.
Mallrats eli Häiriköt oli helvetin hauska aikoinaan kun löysin Kevin Smithin ja miehen muun tuotannon, mutta aika on iskenyt inflaation keinoin ja ennen niin hauska farssi toimii nyt vain hetkittäin maneereiltaan lahjakkaan Jason Leen ansiosta.
Mallrats at IMDb
Directed by Curtis Hanson
Starring Michael Douglas, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey Jr., Frances McDormand
Wonder Boys is a criminally underrated feel good drama picture. Douglas is warm and likeable in the lead role of a college professor who has written a classic novel in the past and has since become a prisoner of it since he can't bring himself to finish a new book. Hanson (8 Mile, L.A. Confidential) directs with his usual warm touch and makes the characters and brilliant story come alive in a way only few can.
Wonder Boys at IMDb
Starring Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Boris Kodjoe, Kevin Durand, Oded Fehr, Colin Salmon, Michelle Rodriguez
For fuck's sake, kill this shitty franchise already! Honestly, what the hell do you people see in these crappy movies? This is the piece of shit that finally broke the camel's back. I give up. The Resident Evil films give sell-out movies an even worse name. They brought back Rodriguez and all these other dead characters and for what? Some lame ass virtual environment battle ground something or other. I don't give a shit how much it pleases the gamers, because it's a different medium and whatever the games are and were, doesn't mean diddly shit to a film buff such as myself whom has never played the games and WILL never play the fucking games. Shitty, hacky, uninspired and stoopid movie franchise. Whatever. I can't bring myself to care enough to even trash this hacky 3D gimmicky series further.
Vittu, MURHATKAA tämä leffasarja jo! Resident Evil: Retribution on jälleen yksi merkityksetön ja väkisin väännetty typerä filmi tässä toimintaleffojen jälkeenjääneessä sisäsiittosarjassa. Piti sitten herättää henkiin jo aiemmissa osissa muihin projekteihin tapetut näyttelijät ja miksi? Että he saavat juoksennella paskantärkeissä (miltei) cameorooleissa jossain virtuaalimaailmassa. Ja ihan yksi helvetin hailee jos pelaajia miellyttää. Elokuva on eri formaatti ja jos pelikonsepti (kokonaisuudessaan tai osia siitä) ei toimi elokuvassa niin se ei vain toimi. Tämä leffasarja on ollut alusta lähtien heikoilla jäillä ja eikö tämäkin perkele lopu siihen, että luvassa on vielä lisää paskaa Millan ja katsojan niskaan. Jospa ensi kerralla se kirves vihdoin osuisi. Joko Millaan tai katsojaan. Kärsimys loppuisi kummassakin tapauksessa. Eikun ai niin, tässä on zombeja. Vittu kyllä ne keksivät siihenkin jonkin kommervenkin tulla takaisin. Fuck!
Resident Evil: Retribution at IMDb