Friday, July 15, 2011
Directed by David Yates
Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Carter, Warwick Davis, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Michael Gambon, Tom Felton, Jason Isaacs, Cierán Hinds, Gary Oldman, Robbie Coltrane, Jim Broadbent and countless more legendary talents
I'd imagine that while it's a joyous occasion for the fans that they have finally seen the Harry Potter series in it's entirety, it must also be a bittersweet feeling since the end is also here. As I've said before, I personally didn't enjoy the first films because they were made for kids and understimated the older members of the audience. The latter films have been increasingly dark in tone which has made the viewing experience more and more close to my own liking.
In a way Deathly Hallows 2 doesn't really offer anything new to the magical world of Harry Potter but then again the formula works in the same way as that of James Bond. They too basically keep making the same film over and over but crucially it's a pattern that works since we keep coming back for more. I'm not a Potter fan. I like the movies but they've hardly changed my life in one way or another. To me, what they are is harmless entertainment. I haven't read any of the books so there's no need to remind me how much better they are on the page. As a series the movies have steadily gotten better with each installment. The two previous films received the worst rep for being dull and merely showcases for this final film but I think they were good pictures although my personal favorite will remain The Order Of The Phoenix. In Deathly Hallows 2 the action is a very important ingredient and the there's not a dull moment in sight. The amazing ensamble cast is a joy to watch and even Smith gets a piece of the action though many of the legendary actors in supporting roles (Broadbent and Oldman for example) are given leftovers which is a disgrace. Deathly Hallows 2 is a fitting and entertaining end to one of the most popular film series in the medium's history.
I went to see this film in 3D and in some scenes the effect was gorgeous but over all (as in all 3D films) I don't think I brought much difference to the finished film. 3D is a gimmick. The new technology looks good but it might all just be a passing trend because at the end, it really is just a carrot to sell more expensive tickets. In fact, I personally still take the regular 2D over 3D any day.

Loppu tuli. Ja toivottavasti pysyy. Hyvä elokuvahan tämä on, mutta itse en ole koskaan ollut suuri fantasian fani ja kahdeksan leffaa putkeen risujen heiluttelua saa ainakin allekirjoittaneen anomaan taukoa. Kävin katsomassa tämän 3Dnä ja pakko sanoa että vaikka efekti toikin tiettyihin kohtauksiin lisää henkeä, ei se lopulta ollut kovinkaan tarpeellinen lisäys leffan julkaisuun. 3D on kikka. Se on hieno myyntikikka ja parhaimmillaan efekti herättää elokuvan henkiin erikoisella tavalla, mutta toisaalta niin tekee myös taitavien tekijöiden työpanos normi 2Dnä. Itse valitsen edelleen perinteisen 2Dn yli tämän keinon myydä kalliimpia pääsylippuja. Mitä itse elokuvaan tulee, niin Kuoleman Varjelukset 2 on ainakin huomattavasti vauhdikkaampi kuin kaksi edellistä osaa. Tylsiä ja hengähtämistä sallivia hetkiä ei tule usein ja leffa puskee eteenpäin kuin Ron Jeremy pornomessuilla. Legendaarisilla näyttelijöillä kyllästetyt sivuosat jäävät valitettavan pienelle huomiolle ja lopun sokerinen katsaus tulevaan laskee hypetettyä tunnelmaa, mutta kaiken kaikkiaan tämä on kunniakas lopetus simsalabim-sarjalle, joka on noussut kovalla työllä ja rytinällä yhdeksi elokuvahistorian suosituimmista elokuvasarjoista.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 at IMDb
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