Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
Starring Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Max Irons, Virginia Madsen, Gary Oldman, Billy Burke, Julie Christie, Lukas Haas
Much like Chris Columbus was hired to duplicate the success of Harry Potter with Percy Jackson, now Hardwicke is trying to give us another Twilight. She succeeds too if you consider how staggeringly superficial and stupid this film is. The senior members of the cast (Oldman & Christie) try their best with the runny shit (aka the script) they are handed with but the younger stars don't even bother trying to act in their leading roles. Oh no no, their job is not to act but to just look good and flirt with each other as if that could be called character development. Red Riding Hood is basically shit wall to wall because it's origins are rotten to the core even before it starts. You know that the film was made with the intention of creating another shallow and cheesy teenage block buster franchise. It's all bullshit and literally the only good things are Oldman and Christie but even their presence isn't even nearly enough to lift this shit out of it's pretentious, greedy swamp.
Aivan kuten kaksi ensimmäistä Harry Potteria ohjannut Chris Columbus palkattiin kopioimaan edellisen sarjan menestys kehnoon Percy Jackson-leffaan, on Hardwicke nyt tyrkyttämässä meille uutta Twilightia. Tavallaan hän onnistuukin siinä, sillä Red Riding Hood on rehellisesti sanottuna yhtä tönkkö, typerä ja mauton kuin esikuvansakin. Ainoat valopilkut ovat veteraaniammattilaiset Oldman ja Christie sivuosissa, mutta kun tullaan nuoriin pääosiin he eivät edes vaivaudu yrittämään vakavaa näyttelemistä. Miksi heidän toisaalta tarvitsisikaan? Kukkaroillaan nämä leffat palkitseville teineille riittää että leffassa on söpöjä kundeja ja kauniita kissoja, itse elokuvalla kun ei ole merkitystä ellei se toki ihanteellisesti ole överiksi vedetty, ällösiirappinen teinirakkausvuodatus. Aivan kuten Twilight. Nuoret pääosat patsastelevat koko tylsän ja kornin rainan läpi kuin olisivat yhtä aikaa sokerihumalassa ja pilvessä. Myös vähäinenkin tarinan kaltainen yritys uhrataan teiniromanssin tieltä ja sekin kai olisi yksi juttu jos joku olisi tosissaan yrittänyt tehdä hyvän teinileffan ja epäonnistunut, mutta kun sen TIETÄÄ että kyseessä taustalla ovat olleet läpimädät motiivit uudesta hittituotteesta, niin tämä on täysin anteeksiantamatonta.

Red Riding Hood at IMDb
Directed by Martin Campbell
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Peter Sarsgaard, Blake Lively, Mark Strong, Angela Bassett, Tim Robbins, Temuera Morrison, (voices) Geoffrey Rush, Michael Clarke Duncan
Once again, I just don't know what all the fuss has been about. Green Lantern was trashed by critics and deserted by audiences. Why? I seriously don't have the slightest idea. If it was because of some ill-fated depiction of the original DC Comic, then I really wouldn't know because I've never read it but otherwise Green Lantern is a solid movie. It has a strong story arc and though it's action is at times over the top, it still never fails to entertain. So what's the problem? Maybe because the film generated a negative buzz way before it was even finished and people just chose not to give it a fair chance? Possibly. Reynolds does his usual charm thing throughout but still manages to keep his performance steady. The real treat though is Sarsgaard's creepy Hector Hammond as the bad guy who receives telekinetic powers and a swollen forehead thanks to having contact with an alien entity.
Jälleen yksi ennakkoluulojen uhri, jonka ympärille luotiin negatiivinen maine jo ennen filmausten valmistumista. Green Lantern on DC Comicsin sarjakuvaan pohjautuva raina miehestä, joka saa yliluonnolliset kyvyt mystisen sormuksen kautta ja löytää täten itsensä universumin suojelijana monien muiden maailmankaikkeuden olentojen rinnalla. Jos jaksat katsella Reynoldsin charmin latelua ja kestät miehen vitsejä, niin eiköhän tästä nauti edes sunnuntaihupina kaljan ja pizzan kera. Ei ohjaaja Campbellin (Casino Royale, Zorron Naamio) parhaimmistoa, mutta kuten kaverin leffoissa aiemminkin, homma pysyy sekä tarinan että toiminnan suhteen kasassa, mutta korkeimmat pisteet menevät silti Sarsgaardin esittämälle lierolle Hector Hammondille, joka saa telekineettisiä voimia ja paisuneen pään jouduttuaan kontaktiin tuntemattoman entiteetin kanssa.
Green Lantern at IMDb
Directed by Alister Grierson
Starring Richard Roxburgh, Ioan Gruffudd, Rhys Wakefield
Sanctum was heavily advertised as an unbelievable 3D experience when it was coming out to theaters. I admit, in 3D on the big screen this underground and underwater adventure may have looked amazing but this film exactly goes to show that 3D is nothing more than a gimmick since when you take away the 3 dimensional element, all you're left with is a by-the-numbers, annoingly predictable and staggeringly badly acted borefest inside a bland cave system. The whole film is a let down on every aspect and only redeeming qualities are some amazing underwater visuals and a wee bit of sense of adventure in the first reel which sadly disappers when things go south for our characters. What the hell?
Sanctum at IMDb
Directed by Michel Gondry
Starring Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz, Cameron Diaz, Edward James Olmos, David Harbour, Tom Wilkinson, Edward Furlong
Blasted all to hell by critics and audiences around the world, I just cannot help but feel it has all been more than a bit overblown. The Green Hornet has it's flaws (Waltz isn't a very inspiring baddie this time and Diaz is really on board just beacause the film needs a random female lead) but over all the film's quite funny (if you enjoy the antics of mr. Rogen as I do) and surprisingly the action is executed well enough to keep you wide awake throughout which wasn't a given considering the flick's art house director Gondry (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Human Nature). Not necessarily a masterpiece and fans of the source material may be sorely disappointed, but any film with Tom Wilkinson and Edward James Olmos in it deserves a chance at least.
Alkuperäismateriaalin fanit ovat varmasti hypänneet volttia näppiksiensä edessä kirjoitellessaan vihakommentteja tästä inkarnaatiosta. Random katsojalle The Green Hornet saattaa upota hyvinkin, sillä jos tykkää Rogenin komiikasta ja naamakertoimesta (kuten allekirjoittanut) niin tässä elokuvassa on jo puolet kohdillaan. Toinen kohtalaisen onnistunut aspekti on Gondryn luotsaus toimintaelokuvan ohjaajana (onhan mies kumminkin pääasiassa tottunut tehtailemaan vakavampia tekeleitä kuten Tahraton Mieli). Gondry käsittelee räiskinnän mukavasti ja leffa liikkuu sulavasti eteen päin. Waltz (Kunniattomat Paskiaiset) on yllättävän hukassa pahiksena ja Diazin hahmo on mukana vain koska leffaan oli kai pakko ottaa joku naispääosa. Toisaalta kaikki tekeleet joissa on Tom Wilkinson ja/tai Edward James Olmos ansaitsevat jo heidän läsnäolollaan mahdollisuuden.
The Green Hornet at IMDb
Directed by John McTiernan
Starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones
An absolute best of all the submarine films I've seen. Based on the novel by Tom Clancy, the film's hero is Jack Ryan (played here by Baldwin and in later films by Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck) who believes that a rogue Soviet sub commander Ramius (Connery) is trying to defect to America when everyone else is convinced that he's on the verge of an attack. By far one of McTiernan's (Die Hard 1 & 3, Predator) best films and a proper thriller. Also composer Basil Poledouris deserves a mention for his magnificent score. Do yourself a favor and seek this out. NOW.
Henkilökohtaisesti The Hunt For Red October eli suomalaisittain Punaisen Lokakuun Metsästys on oma suosikkini kaikista tähän astisista sukellusveneleffoista. Conneryn esittämä Neuvostoliittolainen veteraanikomentaja aikoo loikata jenkkeihin ja ainoastaan Baldwinin esittämä Jack Ryan aavistaa miehen todelliset aikeet samalla kun kaikki muut pelkäävät hyökkäystä ja aikovat upottaa Conneryn luotsaaman ydinsukellusveneen. Yksi parhaimpia koskaan valmistuneita trillereitä ja elokuvia ylipäänsä. Täydellisen jännitysnäytelmän viimeistelee Basil Poledourisin korvia hivelevän kaunis musiikki. Aivan saatanan hieno klassikko.
The Hunt For Red October at IMDb
Monday, August 15, 2011
Directed by Wes Craven
Starring Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Mary McDonnell, Rory Culkin, Marley Shelton, Erik Knudsen, Adam Brody, Anthony Anderson, Kristen Bell, Anna Paquin, Roger Jackson
11 years have passed since we last saw the Ghostface killer. The first Scream is a classic. It not only revitalised the horror genre but was also one of the definitive films of the 90's. Scream 2 was good though a clear step down from the original and the third was just embarrasing. Scream 3 was a prime example of a sequel which was made for all the wrong reasons. Money for sure and perhaps the simple need for a completion of the trilogy. Scream 4 (or Scre4m) reunites the three main characters back together but the story leaves them on the sidelines in a way. After all it's a "new decade and new rules" which in this case means a younger and hippier cast such as Panettiere and "Julia's niece" Roberts. Scream 4 is by far the funniest of the bunch and for a while it rolls forward nicely and is very entertaining. Problems begin the second the ending comes along. The Scream films revolve around two main basis audiences are expecting: inventive and gruesome kills and the identity or identities of the killer(s). The slaughter is handled with good ideas but the revelation of those guilty is fucking shit. All credibility just goes out the window and if that isn't shit enough, the film is prolonged for a needless second "third act". It was good while it lasted until it wasn't. The film flopped at the box office and writer and father of the franchise Kevin Williamson must be bummed because he had envisioned this as a start for a new trilogy. Well shit. Maybe it'll still happen at some point but for now I am pleased to see it come to an end.
Scream 4 at IMDb