Sunday, February 23, 2014

Directed by Timo Koivusalo Starring Samuel Shipway, Sanni Paatso, Vesa Vierikko, Minttu Mustakallio

This is the latest in the family film series of Ricky Rapper with the title translated as Ricky Rapper and Slippery Lennart. Ricky's or Risto's mom decides to find her son a solid father figure but is too blind to the obvious choice of family acquaintance Lennart. With Risto and a selection of wardrobe to help him, Lennart starts to role play less than suitable candidates to make himself appear more suitable. Like before, the film includes musical numbers which could've easily been left out but it's understandable why they are present considering the main character. Vierikko as Lennart is by far who to thank for keeping any interest in the plot and film altogether and actually succeeds in bringing few laughs with him. Otherwise it's basic family fare. Thanks to Vierikko I give it three out of five.

Risto Räppääjä-sarjan viimeisin osio pysyy pinnalla pääasiassa Vierikon inhimillisen ja hyvän suorituksen ansiosta, jota ilman koko filmi olisi oppikirjaesimerkki tylsästä ja typerryttäviä äänitehosteita pursuavasta perhe-elokuvasta. Musiikkinumerot olisivat jälleen voineet jäädä kokonaan editin lattialle, mutta ymmärtäähän ne toki päähahmon teeman huomioiden. Vain ja ainoastaan Vierikon lämpimän läsnäolon takia annan tälle kolme patsasta viidestä.

Risto Räppääjä ja liukas Lennart at IMDb