Thursday, June 21, 2012

WAR HORSE (2011)

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring Jeremy Irvine, Peter Mullan, Emily Watson, Niels Arestrup, David Thewlis, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch

I love Spielberg's films. Even at their worse they are perfectly watchable (The Lost World: Jurassic Park) and at their best, absolute classics that bring a tear of joy to your eye even when you just reminisce about them (Jurassic Park, Raiders Of The Lost Ark). Then there are the ones that kind of fall between. This is the category for War Horse. By no means is it a bad film. It's very well written by perhaps the best screenwriter in the world, Richard Curtis (the man behind such works as Notting Hill, Love Actually, The Black Adder, Mr. Bean) and the photography, music and production design are all top knotch. What's missing is mysteriously the ultimate emotional impact. There are touching and utterly brilliant moments (for example the truce between soldiers to help the titular horse, Joey) throughout but somehow the film never reaches that point where it just breaks you down. And you are waiting for it.

Sotahevonen on upea ja etenkin visuaalisesti näyttävä elokuva mestarillisen ja oman suosikkiohjaajani, Steven Spielbergin uralla. Se on hienosti kirjoitettu, sävelletty, kuvattu ja lavastettu filmi, mutta ongelma on ettei se iso tunnepotku koskaan saavu, vaikka sitä odottaa nessut valmiina. Sotahevosessa on paljon koskettavia ja suorastaan nerokkaita hetkiä (kuten vihollispuolten aselepo nimikkohevosen, Joeyn auttamiseksi), mutta se ei silti koskaan murra katsojaa kunnolla. Hyvä elokuva, mutta joka tapauksessa hienoinen väliinputoaja.

War Horse at IMDb