Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Directed by Neveldine/Taylor
Starring Nicolas Cage, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Ciarán Hinds, Christopher Lambert

I sort of had expectations for this one since the director duo has made a few exciting action movies with their energetic shooting and editing style. It fitted nicely to Statham's Crank films and even the underrated Gamer, but for this Ghost Rider sequel.. no. The script is all over the place, the performances are largely mediocre and forgettable (with the slight exception of Elba) and the film just simply doesn't work. The fact that the budget was basically cut in half from the first film ($110m to $57m) also does damage and if you're happy to see Lambert in a big film after a while, don't hold your breath. This is just an inch away from being a by-the-numbers straight-to-DVD sequel. Actually, here in Finland it came out just as that.

Ghost Rider: Koston Henki antoi alun perin toivoa innovatiivisen ohjaajakaksikkonsa ansiosta, joiden ylienerginen kuvaus- ja editointityyli on sopinut yllättävän hyvin mm. Crank-leffoihin ja jopa hieman aliarvostettuun Gameriin. Nyt on toinen juttu. Liekehtivä mopo on pahasti hukassa. Kässäri ei pysy millään kasassa, roolisuoritukset ovat korkeintaan unohdettavia ja edellisen, ekan osan megabudjetin puolittaminen ($110m / $57m) näkyy selvästi lopullisessa filmissä. Edes Lambertin näkeminen pitkästä aikaa isommassa leffassa ei tee mitään, sillä rooli on paska ja epäolennainen.

Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance at IMDb